The children and youth who are in Faith Formation need you to share your faith with them. Our gift of passing on the faith is a blessing to them. You will make a great difference in their lives.
Our volunteers at Faith Formation are Youth, Confirmed Youth and Adult Volunteers with a heart for teaching and sharing faith with the children and youth of our parish. Without their time and commitment, we would not have a faith formation/youth ministry program. We are always in need of people to help. Catechists and Small Group Leaders don’t need to be theologians, you just need to have a desire to help our children and youth learn about our Catholic faith and grow in their relationship with Christ.Please consider helping in any capacity.
Many teaching options are available – team teach with another parent/friend, that way you can take turns teaching lessons and have someone else in the class; be an assistant catechist – help the catechist in the classroom, you don’t have to teach, just be an extra hand in the classroom.
All volunteers must complete the
Diocese of Crookston’s Safe Environment Training prior to volunteering.
Catechists and Small Group Leaders receive a discount on their Faith Formation materials fee. Volunttering in Faith Formation can count towards St. Philip's School volunteer hours.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Leaders – Leaders will be grouped in teams of two and will be assigned a weekend a month (or less depending upon how many leaders we have) to lead a group of Kindergarten and First graders who attend the 9:00 a.m. Liturgy in making the Sunday Scripture Readings relevant to their lives and experiences. CLOW leaders must be available at the beginning of Mass to lead the students out of Mass following the opening prayer and return the children to Mass after the Prayers of the Faithful.
Preschool Sunday School
Preschool Sunday School Catechists (teachers) and, Substitute Catechists - High School youth and Adults can teach Preschool Sunday School. An easy to use catechist manual assists the catechist in preparing and presenting the lesson.
Assistant Catechists – Middle School youth and older can be Assistant Catechists in the Preschool Sunday School Program. You don’t have to teach, just be an extra hand to help out with the children.
Elementary Faith Formation
Catechists (teachers) and Substitute Catechists - Confirmed High Schoolers and Adults can teach Elementary Faith Formation – Experience needed - a desire to share our faith with the Elementary children of our parish. An easy to use Catechist manual and great web site helps the Catechist in preparing and presenting a lesson. The Elementary Faith Formation provides a variety of creative experiences aimed at nurturing our Catholic Christian faith, a sense of community and awareness of God’s presence in prayer.
Assistant Catechists – Confirmed High School Schoolers and Adults - will assist the Elementary Catechist in the classroom. You don’t have to teach (unless you are willing to as needed), just be an extra hand to help out the Catechist.
Middle School Faith Formation Catechists (teachers) and Substitute Catechists - Confirmed High School schoolers and adults willing to teach the scheduled lessons for the night and build relationships with the youth.
Assistant Catechists – Confirmed High School Schoolers and Adults - will assist the Middle School Catechist in the classroom. You don’t have to teach (unless you are willing to as needed), just be an extra hand to help out the Catechist.
High School Faith Formation
Small Group Leaders - Confirmed adults willing to facilitate discussion questions, within a small group, about the lesson of the night.
High School Faith Formation Mentor Team - Confirmed high school students and college students participating within the Faith Formation nights, helping with discussions, modeling and sharing their testimonies of faith.
Middle School and High School Support Team Adults willing to help behind the scenes - serving and cleaning up meal/snacks, prayer team (praying for the teens and the success of the Faith Formation night), door monitors.
Parish Office at 218-444-4262 or [email protected] Elementary Faith Formation Coordinator Fr. Tom Niehaus at [email protected] Middle School Faith Formation Coordinator Mark Studer - [email protected] High School Faith Formation Coordinator Sue Hengel - 441-4944 or [email protected] Youth Group Coordinators Brad Arel, Kirby Washburn, and Ashley Hodapp - 218-444-4262 or [email protected]