Becoming Catholic The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
What is the OCIA? The Oite of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), formerly known as RCIA, is the process whereby newcomers ( inquirers) enter the Catholic Church. The process consists of Classes that are held on Thursday evenings, beginning in September and culminating at the Saturday Easter Vigil Service.The class experience provide the inquirer the best opportunity not only to learn about what the Catholic Church believes, but also to ask questions and engage in group discussion about those beliefs.
We also encourage those adult Catholics who would like to participate in an effort to deepen their faith to attend along with our newcomers.
Come and See . . . Come and Learn Everyone is welcome. Just because you start the OCIA process, doesn’t mean you’re committed to finish. If you are someone who is merely curious and interested to learn what Catholicism is all about, please feel welcome to join us.
OCIA Cycle Start & Finish: The OCIA Program runs from fall until the Saturday, Easter Vigil service. Those interested in becoming Catholic are welcome to join the classes and begin their unique faith journey at any point up until Advent.
When does OCIA meet? We have several classes each month, typically on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM.
What do we do to Begin the Process? Contact Deacon Robb Naylor at the Parish Offices, (218) 444-4262. We will have you come-in for a short meeting, give you a confidential information form to fill-out, and a class schedule. Or, if you prefer, call the Parish Office, find out when the next class is being held, and come to the class.
Who are the OCIA Class Instructors? Instruction is provided primarily by our Priests and Deacons Robb Naylor and Kermit Erickson.
Are there any Costs or Fees to Participate in the Program? There are NO fees to participate in the OCIA. All materials are provided to participants at no cost.
Who is the OCIA Designed For? Many people benefit from the RCIA:
OCIA is for those persons who have never been baptized and seek to join the community of believers through the Catholic Church. These men and women are called "Catechumens."
OCIA is for those who have been baptized in another Christian faith, but are seeking to join the Catholic Church. These men and women are called "Candidates."
OCIA is also for those who have been baptized in the Catholic faith but who have never been fully initiated, through the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation. These participants are also called Candidates.
Others who participate in OCIA are: Catholic adults who serve as Sponsors for the catechumens and candidates. These people have a very important role in helping to nurture and introduce the catechumens and candidates to the Church community by providing support, example and prayer.
The OCIA is a wonderful opportunity for all Catholics to reflect on the various Rites and Sacraments that take place during the initiation process, and renew their own faith as witnesses to the journey of faith that is begun by the candidates and catechumens.
The Four Stages of the OCIA
Inquiry - The initial period during which newcomers are able to ask questions, share their stories, and reflect on the place of God in their lives.
Catechumenate - A longer period of formation and reflection on the Word of God.
Purification and Enlightenment - A time of continued instruction coupled with more intensive preparation and prayer, lasting through the season of Lent and culminating at the Easter Vigil with reception of the Sacraments of Initiation.
Mystagogia - The time after the catechumens and candidates have been received into full communion with the Church. During this time, the newly initiated are more fully strengthened and integrated into the life of the Church.