Preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is offered once a year. Children who are in at least second grade are eligible to receive both First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. It is the policy of the Diocese of Crookston that the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation precedes the reception of First Eucharist. Parents may delay the reception of the Sacraments if they feel their child is not ready to receive them.
At least one parent/guardian of a child preparing for First Eucharist shall attend the First Eucharist Parent Session. The Parent Session will introduce catechetical teachings regarding the seven sacraments, with the focus on the Eucharist. Parents will receive information, materials and requirements to assist them with the preparation of their child for the Sacrament of Eucharist. It is the parent’s responsibility to prepare their child for First Eucharist.
Children will be enrolled for the preparation of First Eucharist before the faith community on Blessing Weekend. The child and his/her parents will be recognized by the faith community and the faith community will keep the child and their family in their prayers during their preparation of First Eucharist.
Following preparation, the child will attend First Eucharist Activity Morning. All the children preparing for First Eucharist, along with a parent will gather to participate in various activities that will enhance their understanding of the Sacrament. Parents of First Eucharist children will present the activities under the direction of the Faith Formation Director.
These requirements are meant to lead the child and parents to a meaningful and joyful celebration of the sacrament, not only for the first time, but each time thereafter. “Catechesis for the Eucharist recognizes the Eucharist as the heart of Christian life. It helps people understand that celebration of the Eucharist nourishes the faithful with Christ, the bread of Life, in order that, filled with the love of God and neighbor, they may become more and more a people acceptable to God and build up the Christian community with the works of charity, service, missionary activity, and witness.” (National Catechetical Directory #121)
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 218-444-4262 or [email protected]